
Recurrent Courses

Since there is so much new information imparted to the transitioning pilot, he is not expected to remember all of it come time for his first recurrent course.  A pilot can expect the first of the recurrent courses to be the most extensive, therefore a full two days is set aside for a one pilot, 1st recurrent course with AFTII.

A pilot considering using AFTII for a recurrent course should first read the page of testimonials to get an idea of what kind of instructor I am, how much I care about my clients and their passengers and the knowledge and skill I expect of the pilots who complete the training. One of my regular sayings is “I don’t care how much you know when you come to this course, I care how much you know when you’ve completed it.” Completion standards are a good working knowledge of the aircraft’s capabilities, its limitations, and the operation of its systems under normal, abnormal and emergency situations.

What should a pilot expect during a standard two-day recurrent course?
6 – 8 hours of ground school. One or two flights depending on the skill level of the pilot and whether he desires, or requires an IPC sign off. Note: Since about the middle of 2018 the FAA now requires a significant amount of ground schooling besides the amount of flying that has been required for an IPC sign-off so, expect to add about 2 hours additional ground time for the IPC sign off.
For additional details look under profiles.

Fees: Fees are based on daily rates*, not on number of pilots. Each additional pilot usually adds 1 additional day of flight training when all pilots attend the ground school together. For example – a two day transition course in a Matrix, Malibu or Mirage, for 1 pilot is $1100 or $550/day plus expenses and travel-only days if applicable. A second pilot usually needs one extra day so he’d only be an extra $550 for a total of $1650 plus expenses.

* Daily rate – a normal day begins 8AM and ends at 6PM. There is a $50/hr charge for training that extends beyond 6PM.